Fertility Support Circle

A space for those navigating the journey of building a family.


10 - 11:30 AM
Roots Family Collaborative

Our Fertility Support Circle is here for you to connect with others in a safe and welcoming space.

Everyone’s path to building a family is unique and this journey can often feel isolating, discouraging, and overwhelming. Our Fertility Support Circle provides a nurturing space where you can feel a sense of belonging and connection on the journey to building your family with others who understand.

What to expect at our Fertility Support Circle:

We use a peer-to-peer support group model that is both structured and unstructured, allowing for all voices to be heard and acknowledged, and for those who wish to be listeners to be respected. You can expect a friendly, inviting and trained peer-facilitator, in a safe and comfy space accompanied by others who understand where you have an opportunity to share uninterrupted, judgement and advice free.

Common themes that come up during our group are, but not limited to: 

  • what is fertility and infertility

  • desire for a family  

  • options for becoming a parent

  • the language- IVF, IUI, surrogacy, adoption, donor options, etc

  • feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, alone, unsure about the journey

  • financial investment

  • partner relationships or considering having a child without a partner

  • resources and specialists in the community

  • mental and emotional support during this journey


Still feeling lost? Reach out directly

Groups are free but please register on days you plan to attend.

Meet our caring facilitators

Adam Johnson & Kayte Kaminski

Kayte and Adam met in 2019, got married in 2020, had their wonderful son in 2022, and their delightful daughter in 2023. Kayte works as a senior assistant dean and director of the mental health support certificate at Montana State University and Adam works as the trails program manager at the Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT) in Bozeman. Kayte and Adam have two amazing kiddos and yet, their path hasn't been linear. Kayte tried to become a mama on her own with IUI before meeting Adam, and after being told they wouldn't be able to have kids together due to medical numbers, had quite a journey together to become parents.

They love being parents and have also had a lot of trials to get there. They are so excited to be leading this group together to offer support, information, and hopefully reduce stigma around the difficulty that so often comes with working to become parents in whichever way possible. It looks different for everyone and all feelings around the process are real and valid. We hope to see you soon!